Launching an urban culture conference to compete for reinforcement projects in this regard

ناپیژنده (not verified)
یکشنبه ۱۳۹۹/۹/۲ - ۱۴:۱۳
Launching an urban culture conference to compete for reinforcement projects in this regard

The Urban Culture Conference was organized by the Herat Municipality to compete for urban culture enhancement projects submitted by public and private universities.

The conference, organized by the Herat Municipality Department of Urban Governance with the participation of representatives, professors and officials of the province, Herat public and private universities, deputy and members of the Advisory Board and the Department of Information and Culture, was led by the Independent Local Government Authority. In order to select and implement the best competitive plan from five provinces of the country in the framework of strengthening urban culture, three finalized projects from each province will be competed, including a general plan in all provinces with the cooperation of relevant departments in the executive phase.


تازه خبرونه

یکشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱/۵ - ۸:۳۶
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د هرات ښاروال او مل پلاوي له لوري د ښاري حکومتولۍ نوی رئیس خپلو همکارانو ته معرفي او په کاريې رسماً پیل وکړ.

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سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۲/۱۱/۱۰ - ۹:۱۸
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چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۲/۱۱/۴ - ۱۱:۵۶
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د هرات ښار بېلابیلو ساحاتو کې د ښاري نظم کمیسیون عملیاتي پلان جریان لري

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