Bidding for the project (1890 m) of Joy-e-Injil road in district 6 and (2407 m) of Qaderabad road in district 11 of Herat city

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Bid invitation number: AF-IDLG-CIP-208825-CW-RFQ
Urban Investment Program, Municipalities Deputy Independent Office of Local Authorities invites all eligible bidders to participate in the bidding process (1890 m) of South Joy Injil Road in District 6 and Qadrabad (2407 m) of Qaderabad Road in District 11 cities of Herat participated in 2 lots and obtained a copy of the relevant pricing documents from the websites of the Urban Investment Program (CIP), the Deputy Mayor and also from the website of the Municipality of Herat or as a hard copy of the Urban Investment Program . Submit your bids closed from the date of publication of the announcement until 1:30 pm on March 30, 2021.
Bid opening date: March 30, 2021 will be held in the urban investment program.
Bid guarantee: The statement is a bid guarantee.
Email address:
Mobile number: 0744351326

Announcement Doc: Download

RFQ: Download

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دوشنبه ۱۴۰۰/۵/۱۸ - ۱۲:۴۸
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د هرات ښاروالۍ ادارې اړوند څانګو او پنځلس ګونو لپاره د اړتیا وړ انترنټ د داوطبۍ اعلان


د هرات ښاروالۍ اداره پر شرایطو برابر داوطلبو ته بلنه ورکوي ترڅو د کورني داوطلبۍ پروسې ( د ښاروالۍ ادارې اړوند څانګو او پنځلس ګونو ناحیو د اړتیا وړ انترنټ پېر ) کې ګډون وکړي او خپل . . .

شنبه ۱۳۹۸/۱۲/۳ - ۸:۲۴
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د هرات ښاروالۍ لخوا اړین د دولس تیلو قلمونو او ۵۱ ډوله فلټرونو رسولو لپاره د داوطلبي پروسې اعلان

شاروالی هرات از تمام داوطلبان واجد شرایط دعوت می‌نماید تا در پروسه بازداخلی (تهیه و تدارک دوازده قلم روغنیات و ۵۱ نوع فلتر باب مورد ضرورت وسایط شاروالی هرات بابت سال مالی ۱۳۹۹) اشتراک . . .

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